Alli Sinclair
Releasing July 25th, 2017
Lyrical Pess
Genre: Women’s Fiction
In Under the Parisian Sky by Alli Sinclair, two years ago, Lily Johannson was robbed of happy ever after with her fiancé after an accident killed him, leaving her broken and unable to continue her ballet career. But now she's returned to Paris in hopes of finally moving on. So, when she meets Yves Rousseau, she's reluctant to give him a chance ,because it might lead to her forgetting what she had with her fiancé. Will Yves be able to help Lily overcome her grief, or is her grief too much to ever be able to get over?
This book is so different to anything I've read recently, as it blends the past (around the time of War) and the present to make a fantastic read that I could not put down. The way this story started had me liking the heroine immediately because of the strength she shows in being able to face the past to hopefully help her overcome her grief and be able to move on with her life. Not that it's easy, because she loved her fiancé very much and feels so much guilt over what happened to him. Will she ever realize she wasn't at fault? However, it was from the moment that the hero and heroine meet that had me intrigued, as the hero is a good man that needs some inspiration. Is the heroine his new inspiration?
As for the dialogue, it was intense and emotional due to the main characters back stories, everything the hero and heroine go through on their journey to happy ever after and everything the secondary characters go through in the past. Who will Viktoriya choose? What will happen to her, if she chooses the wrong man? Will Yves find a way to convince Lily to take a chance on him? Will Lily be able to overcome her grief and her guilt to be able to achieve happy ever after again? Moreover, the heroine is strong and brave in the way she faces the past head on, even though it takes her a while to get to where she needs to be. I also liked how determined she was to make things right with her sister who she once had a very close relationship with until her fiancé was killed in the accident. Will they ever be as close as they once were?
While the hero, he's following his dream of composing music, even though he's torn because of his old career and what his father wants for him in continuing to pursue his science career. I also liked how determined the hero was to win the heroine over, because he wants her, as she helps him to find which way he wants to take the music. Indeed, the heroine makes a good muse. Yet, what I liked most about the hero is that he wasn't afraid to say whatever was on his mind when it came to the heroine and all that she's going through to help her overcome the past and make her realize that she needs to find a way to move on.
Overall, Ms. Sinclair has penned a wonderful read in this book, which shows how the past can have an effect on the present, especially when it comes to the heroine's grief and her sister's pursuit to achieve the one thing she wanted -- the chance at her dream role in ballet. Moreover, the chemistry between Lily and Yves was intense and I loved how the hero helped the heroine to finally face the past and shows her that a second chance at happy ever after is worth it. The way this story ended had me so completely happy, as Lily needed to find a way to win back the hero and I liked the way she went about it. Expressing her feelings isn't easy, but I'm glad that she took a chance because she and Yves are good together. I would recommend Under the Parisian Sky by Alli Sinclair, if you enjoy second chance romances; books that bounce back and forth between the past and the present; or books by authors Ann O'Loughlin, Lily Woodhouse, Pamela Hart and Sara Foster.
the City of Light, one dancer must confront her fears about love and
loss before she can step into a brighter future…
Lily Johannson has
returned to Paris, the city that broke her heart and destroyed her
ballet career, with two goals in mind: to overcome the grief
surrounding her fiancé’s death, and to make amends with her
estranged sister, Natalie, also a ballerina. But when Lily meets
charming composer Yves Rousseau, he is convinced she has a third
mission—as his muse…
Struggling to
finish a score about an infamous Ballets Russes dancer from 1917,
Yves believes Lily is meant to help him. Despite her resistance, she
is swept once more into the exhilarating arms of the dance—and into
Yves’ passionate embrace. But when her sister is cast as the
infamous dancer and begins to imitate her tragic life, she soon goes
missing. Now Lily and Yves must set out to find her—and along the
way face their own demons, while also discovering that art, like
love, should not be abandoned so easily…

Making her way to the stage door, Lily’s
heart bashed against her chest when she realized the doorman was the same one
from when she was last here. She doubted he’d remember her as she’d only been
with the ballet three weeks, but seeing someone from her ballet days brought
all the painful memories back to the surface. Determined to keep it together,
she put on her best smile and said in cruddy French, “Hello. I am Natalie
Johansson’s sister. Could I please see her?”
He studied her from under a veranda of gray
brows. “Lily? Welcome back! It is nice to see you. The last time you were here
I didn’t get the chance to say I’m sorry for—”
“Thank you, Bernard,” she said. His English
had improved dramatically since the last time they’d met while her school-girl
French had deteriorated rapidly. “How is Maryanne? Fabien?”
His wide smile lit up his face. “They are
very good, thank you. Maryanne’s clothing business is doing well. Maybe I
retire soon. Fabien is engaged.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful!” Although they had
only known each other a short time, she loved hearing about his wife and son. A
tinge of sadness fell on her, realizing the burgeoning friendship with Bernard
had been a casualty of the accident. “I am so happy for them. For you.” She
fiddled with the strap of her backpack, her lips pursed. “So, I was wondering
“Your sister is in rehearsal room one if they have not finished already.”
“Your sister is in rehearsal room one if they have not finished already.”
He opened the heavy metal door with an
ominous creak. She stepped across the threshold, then stopped, her nose
tingling with heady scents from the past. When she’d fled Paris, she’d thrown
out everything that reminded her of ballet, including makeup and hair products.
Yet here she stood, voluntarily immersing herself in the aromas of a world
she’d tried so hard to escape.
Forcing herself to move, Lily kept her head
down as she navigated the narrow passageways she knew too well. Finally, she
reached the rehearsal room and halted out front. Ballet dancers sauntered up
and down the hallway, oblivious to the turmoil swelling inside Lily’s stomach.
Classical music drifted through the thin wooden door and her fingers hovered
over the handle. Could she deal with more rejection? Was it really worth all
this trouble?
Of course it was. Even though Natalie had
cast her aside like a broken doll, Lily missed her sister. They’d lived,
breathed, and loved ballet together since they could walk. How many hours a
week had they traveled with their mother to attend ballet classes in the next
district? How many nights had they stayed up late, snuggled together in bed,
talking about ballet, dreaming, rehearsing? Lily had thought that special bond
would never break. How wrong she’d been.
Lily rapped on the door and it swung open.
A tall, lean gentleman with salt and pepper hair raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”
“Hello. I’m looking for—”
“Tell her I’m not here!” Natalie screamed
from a hidden corner.
Lily tried to edge her way through the door
but the man blocked her path. “Please, I’m her sister.”
“You are the Lily?” He stared down his
nose. “She does not wish to speak with you.”
“Listen, I’ve come all the way from
Australia and—”
The door yanked open and Natalie stood in
her mauve ballet practice gear, a heavy scowl marring her delicate features,
her blond hair sticking to her olive skin. “I told you I don’t want to talk.
Now go away!”
The door slammed with a resounding thud.
Lily stared at the wood that separated her from Natalie. The tiny ball of anger
and frustration swelled in her belly.
A couple of young dancers covered their
mouths as they giggled and scurried down the hallway. She didn’t blame the
dancers for finding amusement in the goings on, after all, temper tantrums from
principal dancers weren’t uncommon. In fact, Lily had been considered an
anomaly due to her lack of screaming and demands. That was one of the reasons
the Bohème Ballet had pursued her so intently. That, and her partnership on and
off stage with Aiden. It had been a coup for the ballet company to sign them
together, especially as Bohème had been competing against more famous and
affluent companies. But the allure of Paris, the City of Love, had been enough
to convince her and Aiden to fly halfway around the world and start a new
life—a life that had only been in existence for a moment in time until it was
savagely ripped away in one stupid, painful instant. And it appeared life
hadn’t finished doling out more difficulties.
After wiping her hands on her jeans, she
adjusted her backpack and negotiated the passageways one more time. There was
no point in hanging around. Natalie had made herself clear, yet again, and no
amount of stalking would get her to listen. Lily needed time to plan how to
approach this sister who felt like a stranger. Over the past couple years, Natalie
had grown bitter, selfish, and accusatory, so unlike the sweet girl who had
once adored her older sister. Now spite raced through Natalie’s veins and the
pièce de résistance had been when she’d joined the Bohème Ballet Company.
Natalie had deliberately pursued her sister’s dream, an act that sliced through Lily’s heart. There had
to be a reason for her sister’s insane change of attitude and blatant disregard
for Lily’s feelings. What had snapped in Natalie? Lily needed to find out, no
matter how painful or difficult it would be. If she didn’t, she’d remain caught
in the past, unable to move into the future, whatever that may be.
Fighting back tears of frustration, she
smiled at Bernard, who opened the door.
“I hope we will see you again soon,
Mademoiselle Johansson.”
“We will see, Bernard, we will see.” She
squinted in the bright sunlight, pulled out her sunglasses, and waved to the
doorman as she took off down the street.
Lily hurried back across Pont au Change,
happy the theater was behind her. Reaching the other side of the river, she
kept her head down, her feet pounding the pavement even though her lower back
ached. Her legs and arms pumped and she reveled in the free movement of her
limbs, something she’d once feared was lost.
The sun had dipped behind the tall
buildings and Lily shivered, the perspiration on her body multiplying the
effect of the cool evening air. With one rapid footstep after another, she
powered on, barely glancing at the crowds exiting their workplaces and closing
up shop. It wasn’t until she reached the neighborhood of Vanves, that she
realized how far she’d walked. With all the twisting and turning down avenues
and alleys, she’d walked for at least an hour. Sure, her back ached, but the
rest of her body felt so much better. Standing on the corner of Rue Jean
Bleuzen and Rue Danton, staring at the headlights of gridlocked cars, she
realized where her feet had led her. She sucked in her breath. Why had she
allowed her body to dictate her actions? Once, it had been a tool she’d used to
express feelings, especially joy, but this time, just like it had since the
accident, her body had betrayed her.
If she walked a few blocks from where her traitorous feet stood, she’d be at Avenue Victor Hugo, the site where she lost the man she’d planned to marry and share a bright and starry future. Even Victor Hugo’s name made her shudder. Aiden had adored Hugo’s works, especially The Hunchback of Notre Dame and he’d insisted, in his charming and convincing way, that they should go and check out the avenue named after one of his favorite authors. After a long day of rehearsals, she hadn’t been in the mood but decided to go just to humor Aiden. Perhaps if she’d dug her heels in more they wouldn’t have gone and he wouldn’t …
If she walked a few blocks from where her traitorous feet stood, she’d be at Avenue Victor Hugo, the site where she lost the man she’d planned to marry and share a bright and starry future. Even Victor Hugo’s name made her shudder. Aiden had adored Hugo’s works, especially The Hunchback of Notre Dame and he’d insisted, in his charming and convincing way, that they should go and check out the avenue named after one of his favorite authors. After a long day of rehearsals, she hadn’t been in the mood but decided to go just to humor Aiden. Perhaps if she’d dug her heels in more they wouldn’t have gone and he wouldn’t …
A cacophony of horns drew her back to the
present as stationary drivers rolled down their windows and screamed at each
other. Grateful she’d halted her own progress on foot, Lily turned and started
the long trek back to the apartment. Even though she’d had plenty of time on
her flight from Melbourne to Paris, she hadn’t given any thought as to how a
visit to Aiden’s site would play out. She certainly hadn’t envisioned an
impromptu visit during Parisian peak hour but really, what would be the perfect
way to visit the place where she’d lost a piece of her heart forever? Her
clammy skin and thudding heart told her she was far from ready to go to the
avenue, and with nausea swelling in her belly, she suspected the timing was not
right and most likely never would be.
Sinclair is a multi award-winning author who spent her early adult
years travelling the globe, intent on becoming an Indiana Jones in
heels. She scaled mountains in Nepal, Argentina, and Peru, rafted the
Ganges, and rode a camel in the Sahara. Argentina and Peru became her
home for a few years and when she wasn’t working as a mountain or
tour guide, Alli could be found in the dance halls dancing the tango,
salsa, merengue, and samba.
of these adventures made for fun storytelling and this is when she
discovered her love of writing. Alli’s stories capture the romance
and thrill of exploring new destinations and cultures that also take
readers on a journey of discovery.
volunteers as an author role model with Books
in Homes,
promoting literacy and reading amongst young people.
the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!
Thanks for sharing! -Janet @ Silver Dagger Book Tours
ReplyDeleteSounds like an interesting book.